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How Can We Find Our Place in the World?

In pursuit of our goal in life and happiness

We all have probably felt the feeling that we could not find our place in the world. It is if a space was inside of us, which we would like to fill with the great questions of life: Who am I? Why am I here? How can I be happy? These questions are not only philosophical reflections but are the defining elements of our daily lives that guide us.

In today’s fast-paced world, we often believe that happiness comes from outside, and it is enough to get a new job, financial security, find a partner of our lives or a social recognition to be satisfied.

But true happiness and satisfaction are not derived from this. In Krishna-Valley, we believe that finding inner peace and the purpose of our life is the first step toward a more complete life.

When we stop for a moment and reflect on what is important to us in fact, we have the opportunity to reconnect with our inner self. The search for the goal in life does not mean that we need to achieve something big and spectacular; rather, it means finding the role where we can contribute to the welfare of the world, and at the same time finding inner harmony.

Krishna-consciousness provides guidance on how to discover the needs of our souls and how to create a balanced life. The daily practices of devotees include mantra meditation, common holy name singing, study of scriptures, and simple, conscious living. These tools are all help us get closer to our true selves and discover the deeper meaning of life.

During meditation, we calm the mind and create a state of inner peace that provides the basis for finding the goal in life. Chanting, especially the Hare Krishna mantra, not only strengthens our inner harmony, but also cleanses our hearts and brings us closer to Krishna, the Supreme Source. The scriptures, such as the Bhagavad Gita and the Shrimad Bhagavatam, provide us with wisdom and guidance in various areas of life.

The way to happiness varies from person to person, but it has one common point: finding inner peace and satisfaction. Krishna-consciousness helps us to understand that our place in the world is not related to material goods, but to our soul and our relationship with others. When we realize that happiness resides in our inner world, not in the material world, we begin to appreciate the small moments of life and find our place in the world.

Krishna-Valley’s guest house supports this search – a place where we can relax, think, and get closer to ourselves. The closeness of nature, the spiritual community and the quiet environment all help us to see our lives from a new perspective and find our inner peace.

Every day of the year we look forward to seeing you on this journey!

If you have any questions, please call us, or send a letter!

Hare Krishna!

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