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Why we should be grateful everyday

In the midst of the rush and stress of modern life we tend to lose focus on the good things surrounding us. We are engrossed in our daily affairs and challenges, not noticing the miracles sweetening our lives. As we live in a world where negative news is dominant, it is especially important to start and discover positive aspects of our lives. An efficient tool for this purpose is to keep a gratitude journal, which in turn will cause us to be more aware of the everyday miracles of life. But why is it worth being grateful every day and how can the gratitude journal help?

Gratitude journal and mental health

Many studies have proven that exercising gratitude has a positive effect on mental health. Reflecting on the things we are grateful for regularly, can help reduce stress, anxiety, and the symptoms of depression. With the gratitude journal we not only focus on the positive experiences, but also live them again, which enhances our sense of happiness.

One of the best-known studies on gratitude is authored by Robert Emmons, a professor of psychology at the University of California, which found that people who kept a gratitude journal experienced more optimism and satisfaction in life. Practicing gratitude reframes your everyday experiences, so you can focus more on what goes well in your life, instead of being annoyed by the problems.

Gratitude and relationships

Gratitude has positive impact not only on our own inner world, but also on our social relationships. Being grateful to others strengthens our social bonds and improves our interpersonal relationships. When we express our gratitude, it not only increases our own happiness, but also brings joy to the person, to whom the gratitude expressed. This positive cycle further strengthens and deepens our relationships.

A gratitude journal can help us remember the people by whom, and the events by which our lives are being made richer every day. For example, when we note that someone has spoken a nice word to us, or a friend has unexpectedly helped us, recalling and evaluating such experiences confirms the importance of human relationships.

Gratitude journal and personal growth

The keeping of a gratitude journal also gives us the opportunity to constantly develop and learn. When you write regularly in your gratitude journal, you will notice, with the time passing you are thinking more deeply and more consciously about your life. You begin to recognize patterns, understand what really makes you happy, and realize that happiness often lies not in big things, but in small, everyday moments.

Practicing gratitude might also change your perspective. When we shift our focus from shortcomings and problems to positive things, we will increasingly see the opportunities and gifts that life provides us with every day.

The gratitude journal and resilience (psychological resistance, flexible adaptability)

Life is not always easy, and we all face challenges and difficulties. A gratitude journal can help us find what we can be grateful for in these difficult times. This practice increases resilience, that is, our ability to cope with stress and trauma, and even in the midst of difficulties, we can recognize positiveness.

The gratitude journal teaches us to appreciate small advances, to see the light at the end of the tunnel, even in the midst of difficulties, and not to give up hope. As you turn to gratitude more and more often, you will notice that you are becoming stronger and able to better manage the challenges of life.

Krishna consciousness and the practice of gratitude

According to the philosophy of Krishna consciousness, true happiness and peace lies in consciously connecting with the Supreme, Krishna, and feeling grateful for His grace and blessings. In Krishna consciousness, gratitude is not only a positive feeling, but also a spiritual practice, teaching us how to be humble and satisfied in all aspects of our lives.

The keeping of a gratitude journal is especially in harmony with the teachings of Krishna consciousness, since it helps us consciously reflect on Krishna’s grace in our lives. At the end of each day, when we recall the smaller or greater blessings we received, we actually recognize the presence of Krishna in our daily lives. This conscious practice not only deepens our spiritual life, but also brings us closer to Krishna, because gratitude strengthens the connection between the individual and the Supreme.

For the practitioners of Krishna consciousness, expressing gratitude is a kind of bhakti (devotion), where all the gifts of life are attributed to Krishna, and they see His favour in their daily joys. Thus, the gratitude journal not only serves our mental and emotional well-being, but it can also be a fundamental tool for our spiritual development.

How do you start keeping a gratitude journal?

Keeping a gratitude journal is simple and does not require much time, but it is an extremely effective method. Start by taking a few minutes each day, or even weekly, to write down 3-5 things you are grateful for. These can be quite small things like a delicious coffee in the morning, a bird’s chirping, or a nice smile. It can also help if you specifically state why you are grateful for the thing, and how it affected you that day.

It is important not only to write down your gratitude mechanically, but also to try to actually recall the feeling that the thing induced. From a Krishna-conscious perspective, remind yourself that all the good things come from the grace of Krishna. This emotional and spiritual depth might cause your practice of gratitude being truly transformative.


Keeping a gratitude journal is not just a simple habit, but a way to emotional enrichment, mental health, and spiritual development. It helps us to be consciously present, to appreciate the little joys of life, and to strengthen our relationship with Krishna. Through the practice of gratitude, we can not only become happier, but also deepen our spiritual life, getting closer to the Supreme.

The Krishna Valley Guest House team wishes you to start today the uplifting habit of keeping a gratitude journal and experience the power of gratitude!

Hare Krishna!

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