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Over the past decades, we have been focusing more and more on the importance of mental health and the tools that help maintain or improve it. Meditation and mantra chanting are among the ancient practices that are becoming increasingly popular today to reduce stress, find inner peace and improve mental well-being.

In this post, we will examine the effects of meditation and mantra chanting on mental health and share our experiences and achievements with you.

During meditation, one consciously pays attention to the present moment and tries to calm the mind, clearing it of the flow of thoughts. Mantra chanting applies repetitive sounds or words to reach a state of inner peace and harmony.

Numerous scientific research have promoted the benefits of meditation and mantra chanting on mental health. For example, regularly practicing meditation can reduce stress levels, help manage anxiety and depression and improve sleep quality. Mantra chanting has similar effects, and many studies have shown that using repetitive sounds can help reduce stress and improve emotional balance.

In addition, practicing meditation and mantra chanting can also contribute to mental clarity and awareness. When we make the mind calm and focus on the present moment, we create an opportunity to experience inner peace and higher consciousness. In doing so, we are enabled to see our lives and the world around us more clearly, which can help us to deal more effectively with everyday challenges and difficulties.

It is important to note that meditation and mantra chanting are not meant to be a panacea, and not all forms of them are equally effective for everyone. Each of us is unique, and what works well for one, may not be equally effective for the other. Therefore, it is important to experiment and find the practice or method best meets of one’s needs and preferences.


Krishna-Valley is a spiritual centre, where ancient Vedic teachings and practices are in focus. The beautiful and tranquil surroundings offer ideal place to practice meditation and mantra chanting. The shrine, the quiet walkways, green groves and meditative places in the farm area all contribute to making it easier for visitors to reach inner peace and the state of quiet.

In Krishna-Valley, meditation and mantra chanting is not just a simple exercise, but a daily routine, part of a complete lifestyle. Visitors have the opportunity at the time of the daily programs to participate in various meditation exercises with the faithful and the residents of the Valley. These exercises help the mind and body to relax, as well as provide an opportunity to explore our inner world and connect to the state of higher consciousness.


In addition, the Krishna-Valley Guest House offers various retreats, during which you can learn more about the theory and practice of meditation and mantra chanting. These events provide an opportunity to deepen your knowledge in this field, and enhance the quality of your practice. This also can be a place of sharing our experiences and inspirations with each other.

When you come to know Krishna-Valley’s atmosphere and participate in some of these activities, you will allow yourself to get one step closer to your inner selves and to the absolute consciousness. This not only strengthens your mental health, but also sheds light on a deeper and more significant meaning in your life.

The retreats of the Krishna-Valley Guest House offer an even more profound and intense experience for those who want to focus their full attention on meditation and mantra chanting. These retreats are usually for longer periods (3-4 days in general) and offer an opportunity to disengage yourself from the noise and stress of everyday life, and to fully immerse in a state of inner peace and quiet.

At the time of the retreats, we tend to follow practices and rules that promote a deeper understanding of the world of meditation and mantra chanting. These periods make us able to completely cleanse our minds and to get filled up with new energy and inspiration.


Meditation and mantra chanting play an extremely important role in maintaining and improving our mental health. These ancient practices allow us to calm the mind, find a state of inner peace, and improve our emotional balance. If you would like to explore these exercises and their beneficial effects, take a visit to the Krishna-Valley Guest House, and set off for a new, inner journey into the world of intense spirituality!


In our next monthly blog, you can learn more about Hare Krishna Maha Mantra…

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna

Krishna Krishna Hare Hare

Hare Rama Hare Rama

Rama Rama Hare Hare

Thank you for your attention! We hope to see you soon at one of the retreats, or as a guest in the Guest House! Hare Krishna!

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